Friday, May 18, 2007

The Keys

Just got back from my scuba certification trip to Key Largo. We sure had a real blast down there. The first dive is so exciting that I thought I would run out of air in like 2 minutes for sure. I didn't, fortunately. The other dives were increasingly more fun as we became more comfortable underwater. My new mask was irking me though, the plastic frame presses really hard against the spot between my eyebrows when I am at depth. I wonder if I'll be able to do any diving in some cool lakes out west or something.
Speaking of out west, its about t-minus one week until departure. This boggles the mind and, quite frankly, scares me. I mean, this has been a goal of mine since last fall at some point, but it didn't really settle until I got home from the Keys and realized I would be gone in a week. The anxiety is almost overwhelming, but I'm going to persevere today and try to be productive. I need to get my front rack attached and start ziploc-ing gear and packing the panniers. Going to have to buckle down and do that soon, because my best friend from middle school is coming to visit. If anyone wants to see some face-melting guitar playing, stop by Isley street later tonight. In the meantime, I hope you all have a fantastic Friday. And please, if you are traveling, check your tire pressure, you know what I mean?


Matt said...

Hey Rob, good luck on your trip. I'm also headed out West right now, albeit by a more conventional means. I'll be starting work at Philmont pretty soon and am going to be blogging all summer. Hope to see you sometime soon.

-Matt T.

robsdad said...

Hi Rob, glad to hear you are taking some time off to just check out the towns while Jacob gears-up to smoke you on the next sections!
I hope all this rain we're getting in NC doesn't reach you (or reaches you while you're taking a day or 2 off in-town).


robsdad said...

Rob, i forgot to mention...i'm jealous. it doesn't get much better than a 4buck sub and sleeping by the river (unless it rains--then sleeping under the bridge is better).
