Monday, June 4, 2007

The Wall

I'm going to try to keep this post short because I am very tired and Wytheville's library has incredibly slow (and thus frustrating) computers. We rode 40 miles today from Radford to Wytheville. Radford is a really nice little college town, I feel like I know somebody who went there because the name is familiar, but I don't know who/why. The ride was pretty pleasent at first, with the first 12 or so miles flying by. The end was brutal. We were on a service road which ran parallel to I-77/81. I definately recognized the stretch from when we drive up to Ohio to visit relatives. I even saw the Bob Evans where we stopped on our last visit (after I failed to win the family over to trying Waffle House).
The title of this post is "The Wall" because on one of our first few days out we met a fellow who had already done a transcontinental trip. He explained that for him the hardest part of the trip was about 8-10 days in. This is when he really started to question why he was out, if he had it in him to go on, etc. Of course, being so excited about the trip, I blew this off and figured it would never hit me. But now that we've been out for 9 days (I'm not sure whether it feels longer or shorter than that...I guess it depends on how tired I am!), I'm starting to understand what he means. There are so many things I miss and think about while I'm sitting in that saddle for 6 or 7 hours a day. This isn't like hiking, where what you really miss is a hot shower and good food. I've had hot showers and good food so far on this trip. What I really miss are creature comforts like constant cell phone coverage, internet, TV, a nice big couch and/or bed or a full kitchen where I can cook. Most of all I miss my friends. I feel like they are all out having fun without me. I guess its easy to lose focus and convince myself that's the case, when in all likelyhood they are just going about normal, daily routines. Nevertheless, I wish I could be in two places at once. Oh, and I probably think about skiing more now than ever before...something about flying down the hills on my bike is getting me really amped for this ski season.
Don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast. The riding is whipping me into shape and the scenery is beautiful (although I'm getting tired of Appalachia...I want some EPIC mountains!). In any case, I'm starting to see what "The Wall" is all about. So what I ask of you all is to drop me a little email, post or even phone call just to keep me in the loop and stave off my mounting insanity that the world is leaving me behind. My phone works almost every night when we're in a moderately populated town, and I've managed to find internet in one way or another almost everyday. So I hope to hear from y'all the meantime, check out the new photos in the album to the left. Peace, love and sprocket grease!


Mom said...

oh Rob, everyone wants to be you and you want to be us.. I have a full kitchen and I don't want to go in..I have a cell phone... I don't turn on..there is nothing good on movies I want to see and nothing to rent..Yes, we are going about our mundane little routines and you are doing something special..
Lot of love , Mom
Troy is yelling "feed me"

Unknown said...

Hey Rob!
Radford...Amanda Custer Sharp?
We all "hit the wall" at some point in our lifetime...

We all are guilty of sitting around in our comfortable, convenience-filled surroundings...and spending way too much time in our "Lazy-boy" recliners!
(well, maybe not YOUR family! They never really sit-around anywhere for too long!)
2 of my favorite quotes that I sent regularly to Wes when he was in AZ...and similarly facing "the wall"...
"Know how strong and capable you are...and just as sure as the sun will rise in the morning-you can rise to this occasion!"
And, "what may seem so difficult today may be far more manageable tomorrow."
Keep the faith, Rob!
xoxo aunt pat

Patrick R Chappell said...

rob, the Force will be with you, always.

robsdad said...

Rob, don't worry about what you're missing back here
(not!) in CreatureComfort Land. In 3 months you won't miss anything very exciting. And I wouldn't trade 1day on the AT or NewMexico or your cycling trip for a whole week in Cary. Besides, our lives back here would be that much more unexciting without your blogs to read! So please keep up the good reporting. i'll give you a call tomorrow sometime during normal waking hours for a hard-pedaling cyclist (say 7am to 4pm!).
Love, Dad.

sellphone said...

it was Loia who went there during his 6.5 year college career with 4 schools

how did those Sportsters look at the dealer?!?!?

Unknown said...

rob, you will remember this adventure your entire lucid life, enjoy the journey one day at a time. dont look at the big picture but only the great segments, one at a time. soon enough the real world will grab hold and make its demands, work,bills, and the pressures of life will be all around. enjoy this time in your life. guy

connie b said...

I read what your Mom wrote. Can't you just see and hear Troy yelling? That's enough to make anyone leave town! I've told some friends about your trip and everyone is envious. Greg and I talk about you everyday - so many people are rooting for you!! I really enjoy reading your blog and I'm reading Rich's, too.

Adrian said...

Robby Rob, keep thinking about that pow, I've narrowed it down to Utah in the Snowmass/Alta/Park City area or Steamboat. The gnar shall be ours.

Papa et Clementine said...


Ce que tu es en train de realiser est incroyablement courageux. Moi je suis tres fiere de toi et en meme un peu jalouse...j'aimerai bien avoir ton courage et ta volonte de realiser ce que tu es en train de faire. Et sache que la seule chose que tu louppes ( miss ) c'est la borring routine de tous les jours. On pense tous tres fort a toi et ton velo :-)

Bonne chance Rob

anna said...


it was so great meeting you in cville. what you're doing is so very inspiring and i think of you all often. keep up the great work!!

....and please do come visit again and tell us amazing stories from your trip while we destory all the sushi that the asian buffet has to offer!

best of luck, anna

anna said...


it was so great meeting you in cville. what you're doing is so very inspiring and i think of you all often. keep up the great work!!

....and please do come visit again and tell us amazing stories from your trip while we destory all the sushi that the asian buffet has to offer!

best of luck, anna

Ev said...

Rob, Uncle Ev here. Quit your whining and peddle. You still have to cross the endless prairies and the Rocky Mountains.

To help out, cut your hair off with a buzz cut for less wind resistance and eat an exclusive diet of baked beans for about the next 8 to 10 days(Tour de Farts).If that dosen't work do what professionals do, score on some steroids (there are some big people in the Midwest so there must be steroids west of where you are- it can't just be the corn and beef). Also, you seem to be getting lost alot. Your group should penalize the navigator for the day when you get lost. If you can't think of any penalties let me know. Aunt Linda sends her love.